Sunday, September 28, 2008

final blogspot # 5

As a topic before KBS, DSS and VO, identify and describe one company that adopts an MIS. Include in your discussion, how MIS help and support the company, its managers and other employees, in their problem solving and decision-making.

Ford Motor Company adopts an MIS.

MIS helps and support
Ford Motor Company is excited to partner with NENA to improve the delivery of critically important emergency services," said Doug VanDagens, Ford's director of Connected Services Solutions. Ford SYNC, developed with Microsoft, is an advanced software platform that provides consumers the convenience and flexibility to bring digital media players – Apple iPods and other MP3 players – and Bluetooth-enabled mobile phones into their vehicles and operate the devices via voice commands or with the steering wheel's redundant radio controls.The employees also support and help the company to solve their problem and in decision making as well..

final blogspot # 4


Question # 3:

1. Describe or define KBS.

-a knowledge-based system is a program for extending and/or querying a knowledge base.The Computer User High-Tech Dictionary defines a knowledge-based system as a computer system that is programmed to imitate human problem-solving by means of artificial intelligence and reference to a database of knowledge on a particular subject.

2. Distinguish KBS from MIS.

-A Knowledge-Based Systems focuses on systems that use knowledge-based techniques to support human decision-making, learning and action.Through that systems the users are capable of cooperating with human users and so the quality of support given and the manner of its presentation are important issues. While MIS it helps the KBS to make their systems capable of information and be availabe to the user.

3. Illustrate (give examples) how KBS can improve company's competitive advantage and organizational performance.

-In KBS the company can achieved competitive advantage and organizational performance by the presence of the available information and an available resources the company can easilly access and knows the different info that need to be take. Just like the drawing of a new subdivision but not already build. the competitors can also make another drawing with the information they got from the system.

  1. Blot, E., Durand, S., Jézéquel, L., Malandain, S., and Moulin, C. (1995). Knowledge Level : retour sur l'hypothèse d'Allen Newell, Rapport du L.I.R., available by e-mail (
  2. Bouaud, J., Bachimont, B., Charlet, J., and Zweigenbaum, P. (1994). Acquisition and Structuring of an Ontology within Conceptual Graphs, DIAM Rapport interne RI-91-142.
  3. Chaudron, L., and Tessier, C. (1995). SuprA-Cooperation: When Difference And Disagreement Are Constructive, COOP'95 Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Design of Cooperative Systems, 452-470, Antibes-Juan-les-Pins, France, INRIA (Ed).
  4. Clancey, W. (1983). The epistemology of a rule-based expert system: a framework for explanation, Artificial Intelligence n°ree;20.
  5. Clancey, W. (1985). Heuristic Classification, Artificial Intelligence n°ree;27, 289-350.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

final blogspot #3


Question # 3

1. Describe or define VO.

-Virtual office is a term for shared office services, which normally includes business address, mail & courier services,phone services, fax services, answering services, web-hosting services, and meeting & conference facilities.

2. Distinguish VO from MIS.

-Certain providers of virtual office services will provide other in-house or outsourced services such as corporate secretarial services, accounting services, or legal services. Professional firms such as law firms and accounting firms often provide registered address services as part of their service offerings.

-While the MIS programme at Surrey has two important benefits that distinguish it from similar programmes elsewhere. Firstly, we offer you training in the SAP system, the world-leading enterprise software suite. SAP experience is in high demand but very difficult to get at the graduate level. Our alliance with SAP ensures that you will be thoroughly acquainted with this important software application. Secondly, this programme offers more business and management-orientated modules than any other MIS programme, to make sure you are fully aware of the core management functions: marketing, strategy and financial management.

3. Illustrate (give examples) how VO can improve company's competitive advantage and organizational performance.


* transcription services
* desktop publishing
* internet research and marketing
* e-mail marketing
* event planning
* data entry
* telemarketing
* word processing
* editing/proofreading
* resume writing
* spreadsheets
* invoicing
* bookkeeping
* project management


-Human Communication. People in a hallway are collocated so they can easily interact one-on-one or in groups, just by walking next door, down the hall, or going out to lunch together (gratuitous communication). Sometimes, chance hallway interactions lead to main directions. Still, proximity is no substitute for communicating directions and deciding how to partition work. People on another floor, hallway, or in the same office but in another project or division can all be too far away to communicate with. Similarly, people are only one sort of information source; journals and now the web are increasingly excellent links to others with similar interests no matter the distance. There is no substitute for excellent people, careful planning, and good communication, whether in a centralized or virtual office.

Organizational Performance

Recruitement and retension organizations adopt work-family practices to recruit and retain superior employees.Individual productivity is rarely measured directly but rather inferred from changes in employee attitudes and behaviors, such as organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, and job satisfaction.Process efficiency is increased when employers are able to match demand for the organization's products or services to the hours that people work, thus allowing for variations in work intensity over the course of the day.

  1. ^ Holusha, John. "Commercial Property/Business Centers; Modern Office for Rent: Daily Rates Available." The New York Times. May 20, 2001.
  2. ^ China Business Guide 2005 By Graham Earnshaw, Michael Pennington, Page 164.
  3. ^ Telecommuting and Virtual Offices: Issues and Opportunities, By Nancy J. Johnson, Page 80, ISBN 1878289799
  4. ^

final blogspot #2

Question # 3:

1. Describe or define DSS.

- A decision support system (DSS) is a computer program application that analyzes business data and presents it so that users can make business decisions more easily. It is an informational application that collects the data in the course of normal business operation.

2. Distinguish DSS from MIS.

-DSS was filled with magic we thought that managers would be directly involved with computers to evaluate scenarios and support their decision-making. DSS was largely reduced to spreadsheet reports and accessing and reporting historical data. Executive Information Systems (EIS) that followed DSS provided what became routine reporting systems for historical data with their routine, non-imaginative, complex, and even boring interfaces.

-While Management Information System (MIS) is a subset of the overall internal controls of a business covering the application of people, documents, technologies, and procedures by management accountants to solving business problems such as costing a product, service or a business-wide strategy. Management Information Systems are distinct from regular information systems in that they are used to analyze other information systems applied in operational activities in the organization.

3. Illustrate (give examples) how DSS can improve company's competitive advantage and organizational performance.


*BuildDecision Support Systems using intelligent rule-based tools

*Capture, organize, prioritize ideas in the meeting room or over the web

*Use internal prediction markets to make correct strategic decisions


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

final blogspot # 1

Research one company from the Internet and describe their MIS strategic plan in 1-2 paragraphs. Discuss too the impact of this strategic plan on the company's management, competitors, customers and the company as a whole.
Evaluate how can this strategic plan be applied to any local company in the Philippines. Discuss too the possible effect on the company.
Include your reference.

-Strategic Plan Analysis-
Toyota's TQM characteristics will be compared to the characteristics of Vintage Villa, and the differences between the two companies will be discussed. Finally, this paper will address how Toyota's TQM practices could have been integrated into Vintage Villa and how applying these principles could have saved the business.
Vintage Villa
Vintage Villa Motor Company was a self storage facility with Budget truck rentals. On top of that, they sold used Mercedes vehicles and had an on site antique shop for customers to wander through. The company was made up of the owner and her husband, a manager, a handyman, and two administrative assistants. The management style was more of a dictatorship than anything else.
Management at all levels within an organization must create their own plans utilizing their own processes to do so. Four types of planning are typically accomplished within an organization by different levels of management; these include Strategical, Tactical, Operational, and Contingency planning.

"The whole is more than the sum of its parts." This famous Aristotle quote serves as a strategic imperative for multinational corporations (MNCs) because the corporate headquarters must ensure that its business units are collectively more successful than if they were acting individually. (New strategy alignment in multinational corporations. (Nov 2005))

Senior executives of an organization normally accomplish strategic planning. Strategic planning involves issues of major organizational goal setting, organizational values definition, long-term survival, competitive strategy.

Toyota Financial Services (TFS) recently undertook a major business transition programme to in-source its back-office functions. This required that a large number of Toyota and Lexus retail finance contracts, together with all their associated transaction data, be converted from an external IBM mainframe-based system to an in-house system. The new system was based on the Lynx "Portfolio" software package using Unix and Oracle technology. ATD consultants worked closely with TFS throughout the data conversion project in the following roles:
• contributing to a feasibility study into the risks and benefits of undertaking a data conversion from the outsourced external system, and presenting the findings of the study to the TFS management board, which approved the data conversion project
• managing the data conversion project from the start, through to its successful conclusion 18 months later
• acting as the principal contacts with both the existing external system supplier.